the Jedi Way until you are ready for Knighthood or decide to leave. The Solemn Oath is taken upon
Knighthood and binds you to the Jedi Way for life.
The Simple Oath:
"I profess before all my fellow Jedi that I, (state your legal name) born on (date of birth), without
reservation choose the Jedi Path until I am ready for Jedi Knighthood or I otherwise decide, with all its
duties and responsibilities. During that time I shall do that which is right and profess my allegiance to
the Force and its will. During that time I promise to do my utmost to uphold the Jedi teachings and to
live a life as is worthy of a Jedi."
The Solemn Oath:
"I profess before all my fellow Jedi that I, (state your legal name) born on (date of birth), without
reservation, choose the Jedi path, with all its duties and responsibilities. I shall do that which is right
and profess my allegiance to the Force and its will. I vow to uphold the Jedi teachings, and to
henceforth devote myself to the life of a Jedi."
The Orthodox Jedi Code:
There is no Emotion; There is Peace.
There is no Ignorance; There is Knowledge.
There is no Passion; There is Serenity.
There is no Death; There is the Force. The Jedi Creed
I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace.
Where there is hatred I shall bring love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
I am a Jedi.
I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The Force is always with me, for I am a Jedi.Additional lines to the Jedi Code:
There is no Chaos: There is Harmony.
There is no Fear; There is Courage.
There is no Foolishness; There is Wisdom.Alternate version, written as a rebuttal to the Sith Code:
Passion is a crutch, peace is the truth.
Through peace I gain serenity.
Through serenity I gain knowledge.
Through knowledge I gain understanding.
Through understanding I gain wisdom.
The Will of the Force will guide me.The Crystal Code:
The crystal is the heart of the blade.
The heart is the crystal of the Jedi.
The Jedi is the crystal of the force.
The force is the blade of the heart.
All are intertwined
The crystal, the blade, the Jedi.
You are one.The Knights Code:
A knight is sworn to valor.
His heart knows only virtue.
His blade defends the helpless.
His word speaks only truth.
His Shield shelters the forsaken.
His courage gives hope to the despairing.
His justice undoes the wicked.
His image brings peace.
His code breaks the darkness,
His legend brings light next come s the vows of the jedi vow are your own choice they are not
mandatory however it does one good to follow them,
The Vow of Humility: A Jedi is no better or more important than anyone else. A Jedi must always be
mindful of their attitudes and self image that they do not become boastful or prideful in either their
abilities or beliefs. Humility enables the Jedi to approach others and life in a receptive manner and
allows a Jedi to accomplish their goals unobtrusively. The humble person is easier to accept and far less
threatening than the braggart.
The Vow of Contemplation: A Jedi must possess a clear mind and approach life and situations from an
objective perspective. Emotion, while not bad, can influence the perceptions and judgment of a Jedi
and care must be taken to insure that the position of the Jedi is unbiased. To this end meditation is a
highly recommended practice that can both clear the mind as well as teaching patience. Meditation is a
key in the life of the Jedi and it affords the Jedi the opportunity to commune with the Force and leads
them to a greater self-understanding.
The Vow of Moderation: Balance is key to the life of the Jedi and moderation in all things contributes
to this balance. Too little of a thing can lead to deprivation and covetousness. And yet too much can
lead to greed and waste. A Jedi must strive to attain only what they need and desire within the bounds
of reason. Too little or too much of a thing can be equally destructive and both leach at the peace and
contentment of the Jedi.
The Vow of Attachment: Attachment is vital to the life of the Jedi. The Jedi must know life and be
intrinsically tied to it in order to better serve the will of the Force. Jedi must possess ties to the people
around them and are encouraged to love. Love is a strong connection to the basis of humanity and can
serve as a strong foundation of strength and encouragement when a Jedi needs them most.
The Vow of Industry: A Jedi must not be idle. Laziness, procrastination, and indecision are all pathways
to the dark side. Not through action but rather inaction, which can be equally destructive. A Jedi is
endowed with talents and gifts that are intended for the betterment of the Jedi and the world that
surrounds them.
The Vow of Restraint: A Jedi must learn restraint and must strenuously practice it in all their dealings
with others. As conscious conduits of the Fore the Jedi must restrain themselves in their dealings with
others. As people Jedi possess passions and opinions and the Jedi must take care not to force these
views upon others. A Jedi must realize that their thoughts, feelings, and even intentions leave
impressions upon the Force that echo outwards and touch the world and people that surround them.
Above all, a Jedi must learn physical restraint. Conflict is a necessary and inevitable aspect of life and
yet a Jedi must take care to minimize this conflict. Physical violence must be regarded as only a final
and most desperate alternative when all attempts at reason and negotiation have failed.
The Vow of Defense: A Jedi is sworn to defense: the defense of themselves, of others, and of ideals. A
Jedi is not born to suffer or to sit idly by when others are threatened. The mandate of the Jedi is to
defend those that can not defend themselves and to protect the sanctity of life even, if necessary, at the
expense of their own.
The Vow of Chastity: A Jedi must avoid the temptations and destruction of the flesh, which can cloud
the mind and pollute the soul. This refers to the random propagation and unchecked desires of the
human animal which, when left to its own designs, can erode the purest of hearts and obliterate the
most noble of creatures. The bonds of deep affection between man and wife and even simply between
man and woman are not discouraged as they are physical ties that reinforce the connections between
the Jedi and their loved ones and between the Jedi and their own mortality.
The Vow of Obedience: A Jedi is to be obedient. Obedient to the laws under which they live, the
customs under which they are raised, and to the conscience that directs and steers a Jedi thoughts and
actions. Furthermore, a Jedi is to obey their instincts and intuitions. For these are a Jedi clearest
indicators of the will of the Force.
The Vow of Cleanliness: A Jedi is to be clean in both body and mind. A clean body and the respect for
ones appearance is a clear indicator of ones mind and the cleanliness of both allows a Jedi to be more
receptive to the Force. A cluttered and contaminated vessel does not allow for the smooth transition and
flow of its contents and, as such, it must be cleansed. A Jedi can be viewed in the same light... Through
the care and maintenance of themselves the Jedi prepare themselves to be conduits for the Force and
enable themselves to be directed by its will.
The Vow of Charity: A Jedi must be giving of themselves. As servants of the Force a Jedi must
be willing to give of themselves, their time, and efforts. The Jedi are servants of life and can not
contribute to life without effort and dedication. The Jedi are encouraged to help when necessary, to
supply when there is need, and hope when there is none. the symbols theyre are many but this is the one of my order.